SAT MATH Tutors & Teachers for Lessons, Instruction or Help in Corona, CA

SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) Math Tutoring in Corona
SAT MATH is one of the sections of the aptitude test. Many students take courses in Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry before they start SAT Math test preparation. Corona tutors in SAT Math covers all the topics in SAT MATH.

SAT Math Topics taught by Corona Tutors:

  • Arithmetic: Sets and numerical operations.
  • Algebra I and Algebra II: Algebraic equations and inequalities; absolute functions, rational, radical and exponential equations; direct and inverse variation; domain and range; linear, quadratic and transformation of graphs.
  • Geometry: Lines in parallel and perpendicular settings. Right triangles and special triangles (45,45,90 and 30,60,90). Coordinate geometry. Geometric shapes in 2D and 3D.
  • Data Analysis and Probability: Plots, lines and graphs. Probabilities using card problems and counting problems. Descriptive Statistics.

Why study SAT MATH with Corona Tutors:

  • SAT is the required aptitude test for getting admission in many colleges and universities.
  • High scoring students in SAT can apply for scholarship in Colleges and Universities.

About SAT Math tutoring in Corona:

  • SAT Math classes covers all the topics listed above and additionally students are trained to complete SAT tests within time.
  • Advanced learners can work on entire test packets to improve their test taking skills and improve on SAT Math section.


Corona Algebra I
Corona Algebra II
Corona APCalculus
Corona APStatistic
Corona Geometry
Corona PreAlgebra
Corona PreCalculus