French Tutoring
French Tutors & Teachers for Lessons and Instruction
One-on-one tutoring by experienced tutors and credentialed teachers. Our program is designed to help your child master the language in French.
French tutoring
Learn French from experienced teachers. French tutoring prepare students for assignments and tests along with prep work required to master the language for elementary to high school level French courses and College level French class. Subject French I, French II, French III.
Develop French speaking abilities and learn to read and write in French. French Tutoring integrates vocabulary, grammar, and cultural insights with themes related to personal experiences. French tutoring does not require any previous knowledge of French language.
Instruction on French tutoring emphasizes past and future verb tenses; commands; object pronouns; idiomatic expressions; and the expansion of cultural vocabulary.
FRENCH Courses
- French I.
- French II.
- French III